The story of how the birth of their first child changed the way a young couple saw the world, and in turn changed how the world saw their son.


If you’re going through a hard time, read this book – you’ll find the strength to carry on. If your life is in a smooth, abundant patch right now, read this book – you’ll feel even more grateful. Whatever age or stage of life you’re in, read this book. It will soothe you, affirm you, and teach you something you need to know. Joanne McCoy

“I know how much of Karen Draper’s heart has gone into her book, The Place of Us, and it goes without saying that this accomplishment is way more than a book or memoir, but the ever so specially, tender, precious, beautiful everythings that she was brave enough and vulnerable enough to share with the world. I can’t even begin to imagine how many people will be blessed by her words. But with everything in my being, I know that her son, Preston, is smiling like crazy, knowing what an absolutely amazing Momma she is, and how she’s managed to turn her sorrow into something beautiful.” Mallory K.

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